It can actually be hard to count the number of armies in 40k.

List of all Warhammer 40k Factions and Armies We suggest you do not buy any books before the release of 10th edition of 40k. Note: we have seen all the books we will get for this edition of 40k. If you are more into Kill Team than full on 40k, we have a list of all Kill Team Factions here. If you are wondering if there are some upcoming changes or new releases for your army, you can check our updated overview of upcoming confirmed 40k releases here. The article doesn’t go into detail about strategy and rules for the armies, but focuses on explaining what belongs where, and how to start playing each army in Warhammer 40k It is a full on Warhammer 40k armies overview with all Warhammer 40k races and factions. In this article, we try to make it easier for beginners to figure out which Warhammer 40,000 armies are up to date, easy to pick up and play, and what units and books are available for them. It can be incredibly hard to understand which units goes with what factions, who has an updated codex and what to buy. Or Order tide, which still happens.If you’ve read our beginner’s guide to Warhammer 40,000, you’ll know that the Games Workshop tabletop miniatures game is a complex beast with a myriad of ways to build an army. Which is sad, but it's better than a Dawi tide. They went from one of the weakest races to one of the strongest. In fact, I don't know if you'd use Tree-Kins for Alarielle, her own SoA deal fire damage and that's detrimental to her own forest units.Īt the moment, Greenskins are also the 'best' in campaign, but only because they're overbuffed. Tree-Kins can be good, but honestly I'd just roll with Phoenix Guards, or Silverin Guards for Charge Defense Against All. What is Alarielle-specific is her forest units, which are meh.

Later on, you'll have T4 settlements anyway so you can field SoA easy, but it's not Alarielle-specific. And at the start, SoA have such high upkeep that you wouldn't get them over Archers.

Honestly, even if you have Handmaiden building at T3, I'm pretty sure you can't build those in minor settlements. She's good, Sisters of Avelorn are totally amazing, but every HE faction can recruit those. So, strongest faction out of strongest race. And they're High Elves, who are arguably the strongest race. 2 reasons: they start with Alarielle, one of the best LLs in the game, and (the more important reason) they get Sisters of Avelorn, arguably the most cost-efficient unit in the game, and Handmaidens at T3, as opposed to T4 for all other HE factions. Originally posted by Xaphnir:For campaign I'd say the strongest faction is Avelorn.