With these skill combos, you can clear out groups of mobs easily with a single cast of Bone Spear or two. Now however, we can tap into unending Essence with Resource Aspect of Exposed Flesh.

Of course, we continue the brand of Bone Spear by making everything on the screen Vulnerable. Make sure to maximize this by utilizing area effect vulnerable skills like Bone Prison and Corpse Tendrils. The Bone Spear Necromancer is the natural endgame build from our best leveling build Critical Strike Chance Yes.

The small bone splinters you get from Bone Spear that bounces back after it breaks can pierce vulnerable targets. With the Aspect of Grasping Veins, we also get a higher critical strike chance against all enemies affected by the Corpse Tendrils, this also applies to the initial slow cast! Splintering Aspect Pierces Vulnerable Targets Masquerade Bone Spear Necromancer build Diablo 3 Weapon: Scythe of the Cycle Offhand: Lost Time Legendary Gem 1: Bane of the Trapped Legendary Gem 2: Bane. Corpse Tendrils will use a Corpse on the ground to cover a huge AoE and slow them then stun them while pulling them in the center of your cast point.